Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Controversy Topic

Disclaimer to anyone who may see this outside of my ENC1145 class: The following piece does not in anyway express my actual beliefs on the subject of Gay Marriage.

In The Bible, God wrote "A man shall not lie with a man they way he lie with a woman." People of the same sex should not be allowed to join in the sacred institution of marriage, because it is against God. While God is forgiving in regards to murder it is wrong for a man to love anyone other than a woman and for a woman to love anyone other than a man. It is an abomination to the church. Gay marriage would destroy the institution of marriage, even though Kim Kardashian's union only lasted a month and a half and Britney Spears was once married for 54 hours. In fact, the numbers about the divorce rate in the United States being almost fifty percernt is simply a rough patch in the greater good and should turn around any day. Allowing for two people that claim to love each other, but are of the same sex would only further hurt the eternal matromony. Those who believe they do love a person of the same sex in a way unfit for the Holy Kingdom, are in need of finding the Lord. He will show them the light.

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